Episode 35 – BBQ Season Meditations from Epictetus

Whether introverted or extroverted, we are all guilty of dodging social gatherings sometimes. Whether we look for excuses to leave early, cancel at the last minute, or avoid them altogether, we all too often pass up on an opportunity to cultivate our relationships. Epictetus reminds us this is a reaction of our primitive minds…not us. Especially today, it is still […]

Episode 34 – Social Media Decisions

We are all aware of the perils of social media, but we can also acknowledge it can be a great and powerful tool. So avoiding social media would not be a good choice, we have much to benefit from it. Instead we should try and make conscious decisions on how and when we use social media. Want to send in […]

Stoicism for a Better Life – Weekly exercise (September 27, 2020)

Hello there,  For this week’s exercise, I will look for inspiration from the Moral Letters of Seneca to Lucillius CVIII 27-27: “Let us therefore set out whole-heartedly, leaving aside out many distractions and exert ourselves in this single purpose, before we realize too late the swift and unstoppable flight of time and are left behind. As each day arises, welcome […]

Episode 32 – Don’t Focus on Result, Focus on Choices

We tend to judge our accomplishments on results. Even when it comes to our moral decision making, we tend to look at the final result in evaluating how good/bad we were. However, let us never forget that results are not entirely dependent on us. Intentions for actions are entirely within our control, but as results get away from us in […]

Episode 30 – Take a Break Sometimes

Our bodies and our minds are like tools or muscles. We use them to perceive the world external to our thoughts, and we use them to interact with the same external world. As with any tool or muscle, overuse without rest and repair, we can damage them…some times even beyond repair. So take care of your mind, which we tend […]