Stoicism for a Better Life – Weekly exercise (June 13, 2021)

Hello there,

I don’t know where you live, but where I am the rules have been getting progressively looser and laxer. And as we emerge back into society after a year of isolation, we need to remind ourselves that we are living as PART of the world. The world is not an accessory that caters to our whims. Instead, the world offers a quagmire (Giggity) of ideas, thoughts, perspectives and opinions. So let us remind ourselves to tolerate others from these words from Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations, V 28:

“Are you angry with him whose armpits stink? Are you angry with him whose mouth smells foul? What good will this anger do you? He has such a mouth, he has such armpits it is necessary that such an emanation must come from such things.”

We have been living in our own domains for the past 12+ months. For the most part we did what we wanted (while in our homes during isolation) and now we’re reentering society where we must learn to “play nice” and get along (I know I’m stretching here, but you know what I mean). Part of this re-education (a big part) is controlling one’s anger and contempt towards others. 

We have enough crap to deal with right now…seriously. We are coming out the other end of a global pandemic, a once-in-a-lifetime economic shutdown and the third major economic collapse in only 2 decades. There is a lot to be mindful about and work towards, so let us not waste our energy being angry with others for longer than we have to be (that is, longer than the proto emotions last – or rather – longer than the flare-up of emotions should last).

As a practical exercise this week, before you leave your home REMIND yourself as many times as it takes to be more tolerant of that which bothers you. Your way is not THE best way. It is only YOUR best way. In the same way (flip the logic) another’s way is not a BAD or WORSE way to do things. It is simply a different way, and they are all according to nature. Even with something as simple as a smell.

If you want to change the world for the better…if you REALLY want to change the world for the better, then recognizing others as human beings in equal value to you is as good a place to start as any other. Don’t get fooled by the lies of societal hierarchy guys. This is all a construct and made up titles and expectations. Everyone is equal. Everyone has the same rights. Let’s stop pushing each other apart (we’re divided more than ever before), let’s stop the hate and hurting each other (what..4 mass shootings again this weekend?!) and just accept each other the way we are and recognize the differences as an advantage and benefit to society and our lives in general!

Anderson Silver (Stoicism for a Better Life)