Stoicism for a Better Life – Weekly exercise (August 1, 2021)

Hello there, For this week’s exercise, let us look at some words from Marcus Aurelius’ meditations XI 1-2: “These are the characteristics of the rational soul: self-awareness, self-examination, and self-determination. It reaps its own harvest…It succeeds in its own purpose…” Today’s lesson can essentially be boiled down to this: To be rational right now, it takes only three things: Look […]

Stoicism for a Better Life – Weekly exercise (July 11, 2021)

Hello there, Our school teaches us that wisdom is to be found everywhere and is the domain of everyone so let’s find some inspiration for this week’s exercise with one of my favourite philosophers of recent time, Jean-Paul Sartre. Although he was big on existentialism and phenomenology, I find he also had a keen sense for cutting through the BS […]

Stoicism for a Better Life – Weekly exercise (July 4, 2021)

Hello there, If you’re reading this then you are trying to improve yourself. And if that’s the case, then this lesson is for you. Here are some words from Marcus Aurelius to himself (and us) in his Meditations VI 30: “Do everything as a disciple of Marcus. Remember his disregard of empty fame, and his efforts to understand things; and […]