Episode 27 – You Have Free Will, So Use It to be Happy

It is up for debate whether our free-will is an illusion or a real thing. But one thing is for sure: From our perspective, we feel like we definitely have free-will. Life essentially can be boiled down to making choices and decisions in the present moment. So use your free-will actively. Want to send in a voice message to Anderson […]

Episode 26 – Give Up a Vice for a Few Days

Addictions…we all have them. Some are more obvious, others more clandestine. Here is an opportunity to identify one, accept it distracts us from being mindful in the present moment, and actively work to remove it with a reasonable short term goal. Want to send in a voice message to Anderson Silver? You may have your voicemail featured or answered on […]

Episode 25 – Help Others by Cheering for Them

We often forget that there are 7.6 billion other people on this planet. We get so lost in our own self-involvement. This episode is all about recognizing other people and their own journeys and supporting them. Want to send in a voice message to Anderson Silver? You may have your voicemail featured or answered on a Stoicism for a Better […]

Episode 22 – Special COVID-19 Release #2 – Five Helpful Practices

A special COVID-19 release: I’ve released two episodes to help with the current Pandemic situation and give some very pertinent Stoic practices to help you through these uncertain, anxious and tough times. Here are five additional useful Stoic practices for you. Want to send in a voice message to Anderson Silver? You may have your voicemail featured or answered on […]

Episode 21 – Wish for Things to be Exactly the Way They Are

A special COVID-19 release: I’m releasing two episodes to help with the current Pandemic situation and give some very pertinent Stoic practices to help you through these uncertain, anxious and tough times. Want to send in a voice message to Anderson Silver? You may have your voicemail featured or answered on a Stoicism for a Better Life episode. Not a […]

Episode 20 – The logical key to a good life

Here’s the final exercise for Season 1 of Stoicism for a Better Life, and boy is it a doozie! Let’s walk through a logical mental exercise to narrow down what it is we can actually and tangibly do to live the best possible life we can. Want to send in a voice message to Anderson Silver? You may have your […]

Episode 19 – Self-deprivation is not a virtue

Being tough, having self-control (say enough to be able to take cold showers) and depriving yourself of luxuries is NOT virtuous. Virtue is found in our effort, not in our self-punishment. However, often a virtuous mindset will lead to a simpler life. The motivation, however, remains the gauge for whether your act is virtuous or not. Want to send in […]