Episode 4 – Find virtue in entertainment

Virtue is being rational, honest and honourable. Spending our very precious time in a virtuous way means working for the betterment of humanity. But acts of virtue do not need to be grandiose or impactful in a major way. Virtue can be found and practiced everywhere. We can even find it in the entertainment we choose. Want to send in […]

Episode 3 – Find virtue in your groceries

Virtue is being rational, honest and honourable. Spending our very precious time in a virtuous way means working for the betterment of humanity. But acts of virtue do not need to be grandiose or impactful in a major way. Virtue can be found and practiced everywhere, including in what you eat. Want to send in a voice message to Anderson […]

Episode 2 – Put away your cell phone

Virtue is being rational, honest and honourable. Spending our very precious time in a virtuous way means working for the betterment of humanity. But acts of virtue do not need to be grandiose or impactful in a major way. Virtue can be found and practiced everywhere. We can find virtue in the meaningful conversations we have during meals. Want to […]

Episode 1 – Introduction to Stoicism for a Better Life

Welcome to Stoicism for a Better Life. In this episode, I will discuss the purpose of the podcast series, what to expect from future episodes, how to use future episodes and how to interact with the community if you so choose. Want to send in a voice message to Anderson Silver? You may have your voicemail featured or answered on […]