I have now combined my weekly exercises with the podcast episodes. I will be releasing weekly episodes in video and audio format (links to podcast platforms below). I hope you enjoy and appreciate the changes, as I am working hard to give you a more intimate look into a STOIC’s life… to try and extract simple exercises we can all […]

The Big Announcement You’ve All Been Waiting For…probably… maybe…not…either way HERE IT IS!

I’m adapting gang! For many reasons I have to make some changes to the way, I share my exercises, posts and commentary. Expect fewer articles and formal episodes, more direct contact (on Instagram/Facebook/TikTok) and weekly Exercises in the form of videos and podcast episodes. I think the changes will lead to more of a direct and intimate conversation between us! […]

Episode 59 – Change is the only constant, so embrace it.

Things change. Always have, always will. We perceive things change and usually don’t care for the most part………that is until the change inconveniences us. This episode explores what we can do with those feelings. Not a fan of Spotify? Stoicism for a Better Life is available on 8 different platforms including Apple Podcasts, Google podcasts and many others. Listen on […]

Episode 55 – Sleep like a baby the Stoic way

Missing sleep? Can’t fall or stay asleep? Here are some Stoic pointers to help you remedy the situation. Sleep better, get your rest so that you can be the best version of yourself that you can be the next day. Not a fan of Spotify? Stoicism for a Better Life is available on 8 different platforms including Apple Podcasts, Google […]

Episode 53 – Don’t be afraid of silence.

Ever sit in complete silence without any distractions and just listen to your thoughts?  Yeah….this is why I wrote this episode. Not a fan of Spotify? Stoicism for a Better Life is available on 8 different platforms including Apple Podcasts, Google podcasts and many others. Listen on your preferred platform or leave a voice message.