Episode 47 – If the Reading Rainbow taught us anything…

We live once and therefore live one lifetime. You can try and extend your life through healthy lifestyle choices. But when we say “healthy lifestyle choices” we tend to only think in the physical realm (exercise, eat well, drink plenty of water, etc). We forget about the spiritual (mental) part of it. Not only can we get live multiple lifetimes […]

Episode 46 – Your Journal Is Your Most Powerful Tool

Your journal is your most powerful tool, so make sure you use one! Your journal is your most powerful tool, so make sure you use one! Your journal is your most powerful tool, so make sure you use one! Your journal is your most powerful tool, so make sure you use one! Your journal is your most powerful tool, so […]

Episode 43 – Don’t be the annoying vegan at the party

You have ideas, thoughts and opinions. And when you decide on an opinion, you don’t come to it lightly. You evaluate, consider and mull over your options (hopefully) before you come to a conclusion on what your opinions are. But even with all that reflection can you be certain that your opinions are the ultimately correct ones?   Not a […]

Episode 40 – Reject Proto-Emotions & Remain Rational

We exist in these bio-suits we call bodies, and these vessels come with prebuilt survival mechanisms. Some are physical (e.g. you flinch when something is thrown at you without thinking about it) and others are psychological (e.g. emotions). Emotions are precoded in our genes and have helped our ancestors survive. But in our modern-day and age they are outdated. We […]

Episode 38 – Build New Relationships

We are social animals with a capacity for reason. If virtue is working towards the betterment of humanity, then building relationships with our fellow cosmopolitans becomes a necessity. If we want to lead by example, if we want to share our knowledge with the most number of people and if we are looking to enjoy this journey we’re on called […]