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Stoicism for a Better Life – Weekly exercise (September 27, 2020)

Hello there,  For this week’s exercise, I will look for inspiration from the Moral Letters of Seneca to Lucillius CVIII 27-27: “Let us therefore set out whole-heartedly, leaving aside out many distractions and exert ourselves in this single purpose, before we realize too late the swift and unstoppable flight of time and are left behind. As each day arises, welcome […]

Episode 32 – Don’t Focus on Result, Focus on Choices

We tend to judge our accomplishments on results. Even when it comes to our moral decision making, we tend to look at the final result in evaluating how good/bad we were. However, let us never forget that results are not entirely dependent on us. Intentions for actions are entirely within our control, but as results get away from us in […]

Episode 30 – Take a Break Sometimes

Our bodies and our minds are like tools or muscles. We use them to perceive the world external to our thoughts, and we use them to interact with the same external world. As with any tool or muscle, overuse without rest and repair, we can damage them…some times even beyond repair. So take care of your mind, which we tend […]

Episode 29 – Inventory the People Around You

It is undeniable that who we hang out with impacts our personality. One way or another, tow people who spend time with each other will rub off certain traits on now another. Some people will absorb more than other, but everyone gets affected by the company they keep. So make a conscious effort in who you spend time with and […]

Now I’m on TikTok

Why am I on TikTok? ….because I love my kids. Also, as I try to expand my reach to new “listening ears” I try and include myself in new social media platforms. You can now find me on TikTok on top of Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and here on Patreon. The content is all the same, so you won’t find […]

Episode 28 – Reject Knee-Jerk Reactions

We exist in these imperfect vessels we call a body. These bodies come with their own emotions and defence mechanisms. As such, it is impossible to be emotionless. We will always have knee-jerk emotional responses, this we cannot change. We can, however, control how quickly we get back to ourselves. So try and curb your body’s response as quickly as […]