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Episode 25 – Help Others by Cheering for Them

We often forget that there are 7.6 billion other people on this planet. We get so lost in our own self-involvement. This episode is all about recognizing other people and their own journeys and supporting them. Want to send in a voice message to Anderson Silver? You may have your voicemail featured or answered on a Stoicism for a Better […]

Stoicism for a Better Life – Weekly exercise (August 9, 2020)

Hello there,  For this week’s exercise, I will look for inspiration from Epictetus’ Discourses IV 1.141&142: “Be careful how you take the news – I won’t say that your child dies, because you couldn’t possibly tolerate that – but that your cruet of oil fell over. Or that someone drank up all your wine. Anyone finding you in despair might […]

Stay Hydrated Podcast interviews Anderson Silver

Sebastian Guell conducted a good interview with some great questions. Some of the best yet, and even though our internet connection was a little week we got through it okay and tackled some good questions like Stoicism’s place in today’s world and the future, and how it could help make the world a better place.