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Stoicism for a Better Life – Weekly exercise (May 22, 2019)

Hello there, This week for our guidance, let us continue on a similar mental path as last week and draw inspiration from Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations XII 25: “Cast away opinion and you are saved. Who then hinders you from casting it away?” We are constantly looking at the world around us and internally making judgments (false judgments) and putting opinions […]

Stoicism for a Better Life – Weekly exercise (March 20, 2019)

Hello there, This week let us draw inspiration from Epictetus’ Discourses: “When I see an anxious person, I ask myself, what do they want? For if a person wasn’t wanting something outside of their own control, why would they be stricken by anxiety?” This week, catch yourself when you are anxious about something, or if you recognize the feelings of […]