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I have now combined my weekly exercises with the podcast episodes. I will be releasing weekly episodes in video and audio format (links to podcast platforms below). I hope you enjoy and appreciate the changes, as I am working hard to give you a more intimate look into a STOIC’s life… to try and extract simple exercises we can all […]

How does a STOIC live: on Balancing Work & Life

I’m working on the Podcast and Episode 62 will be out THIS SUNDAY! In the meantime, I’m listening to the feedback you’ve been sending me and I made am making some “How does a STOIC live videos”… Thank you all for your support. 12 days into my new Social Media presence and I have met my goal of having a […]

The Big Announcement You’ve All Been Waiting For…probably… maybe…not…either way HERE IT IS!

I’m adapting gang! For many reasons I have to make some changes to the way, I share my exercises, posts and commentary. Expect fewer articles and formal episodes, more direct contact (on Instagram/Facebook/TikTok) and weekly Exercises in the form of videos and podcast episodes. I think the changes will lead to more of a direct and intimate conversation between us! […]

Announcement incoming!!!

Hello there,2022 will bring some changes to my life, including on the work I do in my capacity as Anderson Silver. I’m working on a solution to keep the conversation going. I just want to TALK to you guys! Reach out to me with suggestions anytime, please. Help me through this process fam. Your friend, Anderson