Season 7; Episode 5 (125) – ON TRYING TO PLEASE OTHERS – Stoicism For a Better Life Podcast

Season 7; Episode 5 (125) – ON TRYING TO PLEASE OTHERS – Our unhealthy wantingness to please others is no fault of our own. From a young age, we are trained to make the authority figure (parent, teacher, coach, manager, etc.,) happy and to do as they say. Later in life, this can translate into an unhealthy habit of trying to be a people pleaser whether we realize it or not. This human trait to try and please others also speaks to our pack animal nature, so we can easily get caught in a death spiral of trying to please others at our own peril. If this sounds familiar, let me share with you some tips and tricks my Stoic ancestors have taught me to help manage the stress and anxiety that comes with trying to please others.


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