Stoicism for a Better Life – Weekly exercise (August 14, 2019)

Hello there,

Last week we practiced changing a habit we prefer we did not indulge in too much. This week for our practice, let us go in the opposite direction and meditate on the one constant of the universe: Change. Marcus Aurelius – VII 18

“Does a man shrink from change? Why, what can come into being save by change? What be nearer or dearer to the Nature of the Universe? Canst thou take a hot bath unless the wood for the furnace suffer a change? Couldst thou be fed, if thy food suffered no change, and can any of the needs of life be provided for apart from change? Seest thou not that a personal change is similar, and similarly necessary to the Nature of the Universe?”

All matter in the universe is in constant motion and change. Life is flux. As guilty as we are of hoping and wishing for change regarding things we dislike, we are just as guilty wishing for other things to remain the same regarding things we like. This could be anything from hoping your favourite series doesn’t end, to hoping a great trip or moment stays the same, to hoping a loved one doesn’t pass away.

For this week’s exercise, identify something that you wish wouldn’t change. Then write about it daily, reminding yourself that the change is inevitable. Write about what emotions you will probably feel when it happens, and write about how you prefer to respond to it in a rational way. What will you be reflecting on? Share it with your fellow Prokoptons.

As always, much love to you all and I wish you a wise, tranquil and productive week.

Anderson Silver

(Author of “Your User’s Manual” and “Vol 2: Your Duality Within”)