Stoicism for a Better Life – Weekly exercise (June 6, 2021)

Hello there,

Our school is a pragmatic one that concerns itself with the “Here & Now”. As such, when it comes to the philosophical divide between Determinism and Free-Will, our school does not take a side. Instead, we use the logical reasoning of BOTH sides, and apply it to the present moment in our continued drive to live a purposeful and virtuous life. This is from Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations, V 8:

“And so accept everything that happens, even if it seems disagreeable, because it leads to this, to the health of the universe and to the prosperity and felicity of Zeus (the universe). For he would not have brought on any man what he has brought if it were not useful for the whole.”

Stoicism is a compatibilist philosophy. Meaning, we accept both Determinism and Free-WIll as valid logical arguments. The quote above summarizes this view in the most succinct way (as Marcus Aurelius usually does). If everything is a result of a cause and consequence (determinism) then everything that is happening was going to happen anyways. Therefore, complaining about it is useless. The event will happen (bad, good, wanted, unwanted, etc…). SO just do your best with the hand you’re dealt.

And this is a good segue into how Free-Will. Scientists can tell me all action in the universe is a reaction to a previous force, etc… but I feel free will. Illusion or not, I absolutely feel like I have a choice in what I do. I’m writing this article now, because I choose to. So, if we have the semblance of free-will, let us use it to do our best in this “Here & Now” (i.e., in this present moment).

So as a practical exercise this week, I challenge you to write about your views on determinism. Can you change events that are happening in the universe? For the most part, no. So just accept it. But you can choose how you act in the next moment. And in this way, you can use your energy to keep being virtuous and working towards the betterment of humanity, while accepting all that is happening around you. Or so goes the theory….

I’d be interested to hear some of your challenges (if any) and your thoughts and ideas on Determinism vs Free-Will. 

Anderson Silver (Stoicism for a Better Life)