Stoicism for a Better Life – Weekly exercise (March 27, 2019)
Hello there,
This week for our guidance, let us look at the Philosopher Emperor Marcus Aurelius – Meditations II 8:
“Failure to observe what is in the mind of another has seldom made a man unhappy; but those who do not observe the movements of their own minds must of necessity be unhappy.”
We tend to be far too concerned about what other people think,say and do. You barely have enough time and energy to focus on what you’re doing and trying to remain virtuous as it is. Mind your own house.
So this week, when you catch yourself worrying about, or criticizing what someone else is doing/thinking/saying, remind yourself that this is out of your control, out of your concern, and instead use that computing power and energy to look inwards and find one thing you could be doing better right here and right now.
As usual, we all love to hear real live examples, so share your experiences and lessons learnt.
Much love to you all and good luck this week,.
Anderson Silver
(Author of “Your User’s Manual” and “Vol 2: Your Duality Within”)