Stoicism for a Better Life – Weekly exercise (November 7, 2021)

Hello there,

Let us begin with some words from Epictetus’ Discourses I 29 57:

“What we need now are people to apply their learning and be witness to their learning in their actions. Please, be the one to take on this character, I am tired in my teaching of invoking examples from the past, I want to be able to hold up an example from my own time.

This week, become a teacher. Pick one area you feel you are virtuous at and show case it by being extra vigilant. Show the world what a good human being you are in one are, to try and motivate other human beings in other areas to do the same. 

Practice it with such fervour and discipline and drive that you can be an example for the rest of us. We do not need someone from 2000 years ago to show us how to be a better Stoic and a better human being. We know their words and teachings, and have many contemporaries today with the same capacity for self-discipline and drive to be better.

So this week be an example on one thing for everyone around you, including this online Stoa (forum). For one area of practice in your life this week, be the person you want to be and know you can be because you can. Let us know what you are doing and how it is progressing.

As always, much love to you all and I wish you a wise, tranquil and productive week.

Anderson Silver, Stoicism for a Better Life

(Author of “Your User’s Manual”, “Vol 2: Your Duality Within” & “Vol 3: Your Dichotomy of Control”)