Stoicism for a Better Life – Weekly exercise (October 11, 2020)

Hello there,

For this exercise, let us look once again outside our school of thought for some wise words. This is an excerpt from the book Man’s Search for Meaning written by Viktor Frankl:

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” 

The words may be from outside our school, but the idea is one of the pillars of Stoicism: Making a distinction between what is dependent on us vs. what is not dependent on us. Acknowledging this line that separates these two realms is a core precept of the philosophy. Consequently, focusing our time and energy on the realm of that which is dependent on us is a core practice of the philosophy.

You have heard time and time again that Stoicism is a practical philosophy. In other words, it is a philosophy that is practiced through its application…not through memorizing its ideas and quotes. And practicing it means simply this: Apply your rational mind in the present moment….Apply your consciousness in the “Here and Now”…Be present and mindful in your eternal sequence of present moments.

The Stoics define a free individual as one who owns their will. The only place you are entirely free is in your judgments, decisions and in your ability to manage how you are going to respond to any given situation…no matter what is happening around you. You are the only one who can enslave yourself to externals. 

No one can make you think that which you don’t want to. They may be able to force your body to respond to external stimuli, but your mind is always free. So as a practical exercise this week, when you feel trapped, forced or upset with externals, remind yourself this simple truth: No matter what is happening outside your mind, YOU (your thoughts, judgments and decisions) are ALWAYS yours and therefore ALWAYS free.

I wish you a tranquil and productive week. If you want to keep the conversation going, reach out to me on Twitter, Reddit or Patreon.

Anderson Silver

(Author of “Your User’s Manual”, “Vol 2: Your Duality Within”, and Vol 3: Your Dichotomy of Control)