Stoicism for a Better Life – Weekly exercise (October 9 , 2019)
Hello there,
For this week’s exercise, let us look at the words of Epictetus from his Discourses III 23.1:
“First tell yourself what kind of person you want to be, then do what you have to do. For in nearly every pursuit we see this to be the case. Those in athletic pursuit first choose the sport they want and then do that work.”
The formula our ancient guides give us to follow is straight forward: 1)Decide how you want to live; and 2) Live life that way. A more common quote regarding this idea is Marcus Aurelius’ words in the title. For those of you who read Your User’s Manual, this is outlined in chapter 14 (identify your necessities) and chapter 15 (apply daily exercises to live life according to said necessities). The formula is really that simple.
Our perception and principles (which we are here to learn) determine how we want to be. But once you know what is important and what is right, go out there and be it. Stop wishing you were virtuous, instead act like it. So let us waste no more time with words and just get to it then. This week decide what virtue is for you tangibly (be realistic and chose 1-2 things) and just do it… no excuses…. just do what you know to be good again and again as often as you can. As Musonius Rufus says time and time again, philosophy is to put into practice sound teachings, not reciting said teachings (and yes I totally see the irony of that right now!).
As always, much love to you all and I wish you a wise, tranquil and productive week.
Anderson Silver(Author of “Your User’s Manual” and “Vol 2: Your Duality Within”)