Episode 40 – Reject Proto-Emotions & Remain Rational

We exist in these bio-suits we call bodies, and these vessels come with prebuilt survival mechanisms. Some are physical (e.g. you flinch when something is thrown at you without thinking about it) and others are psychological (e.g. emotions). Emotions are precoded in our genes and have helped our ancestors survive. But in our modern-day and age they are outdated. We […]

Episode 38 – Build New Relationships

We are social animals with a capacity for reason. If virtue is working towards the betterment of humanity, then building relationships with our fellow cosmopolitans becomes a necessity. If we want to lead by example, if we want to share our knowledge with the most number of people and if we are looking to enjoy this journey we’re on called […]

The Juan Hour Interviews Anderson Silver – The Most Interesting Interview Yet

This was the most interesting interview yet. Give it a listen, I guarantee you’ll be entertained. Here’s the episode description: In this episode, we are joined by author and philosopher Anderson Silver. We go off the deep end with some philosophical talking points. We discuss his book Your Duality Within, aspects of democracy and socialism, the narrative fallacy, evolution, conscience, […]

Episode 37 – Spend you Time on Important Matters Only

No matter what you’re pursuing in life, the ultimate cost is time. Given that time is the ultimate resource we have and that it is the only resource we cannot replenish, we should take the time to think rationally about how we spend our time. Make a conscious effort to spend your time wisely in the most value-added way possible. […]

A Very Detailed and Well Organized Interview About Stoicism and How We Can Apply it to the Work Environment

The Artists of Data Sciences interviews me for an in-depth look at how Stoicism could be applied to real life work situations. Everything from interviews, getting cheated, tough coworkers and unappreciative supervisors…all the awkward, weird and unwanted situations one can run into. A great and well organized interview with Harpeet and Anderson Silver. Check it out. https://theartistsofdatascience.fireside.fm/anderson-silver

Episode 36 – Prioritize Your Efforts

Being busy is a siren call we all fall prey to. But being busy does not mean we are being productive. And being productive without a goal, purpose or plan is does not necessarily mean we are being virtuous or that we are living a good life worthy of living. Take a moment to objectively and consciously identify what’s truly […]